&hint1=I am an 18th century oil painting& &hint2=My artist completed a grand tour in Europe and settled in London& &hint3=My subject dramatizes the self-sacrifice promoted by the Enlightenment philosophers& &hint4=My subject represents the Roman Republic's war with the empire of Carthage& &choices=The Death of General Joseph Warren;Madame Juliette Recamier;George Washington (Vaughan-Sinclair Portrait);George Washington (Lansdowne Portrait);The Departure of Regulus from Rome;Plan for Washington, D.C.& &answer=The Departure of Regulus from Rome& &search=Benjamin West& &title=The Departure of Regulus from Rome& &artist=Benjamin West& &medium=Oil on canvas& &date=1769& &location=The Royal Collection copyright 1999, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II& &dimensions=7'4 1/4" x 10'&